Card Games to build sight word recognition and reading fluency

✔️ 1,000 High Frequency Words

✔️ Divided into sets of 100

✔️ Read in meaningful phrases

✔️ Great for helping any child or young person read with greater accuracy, speed and understanding

✔️ Ideal for individuals with Dyslexia

✔️ Helpful for individuals with EAL

Phrase It

Phrase It® is a simple and easy game to play.

Choose a set and get started!

Take turns reading the phrases with expression. Follow the action cards! The winner is the one who reads the most cards correctly.

Helps children apply their developing word recognition and phonic skills in a meaningful and manageable context (phrases).

Practising high-frequency words in phrases paves the way to reading them automatically in sentences and paragraphs.

  • simple and easy to use
  • for early years, primary and secondary
  • fun to play
  • carefully graduated
  • multisensory
  • play 1:1 or in small groups
  • for parents, teachers, teaching assistants and learning support staff

did you know?

The 1st 100 high-frequency words make up about 50% of reading material through early secondary school.

The 1st 300 words make up about 66%.

The 1st 500 words make up about 75%.

The 1st 1000 words make up about 90%.

Recognising these words automatically boosts reading!

The brand new 2024 Children and Young People's Books-Lexicon (CYP-LEX) is the most recent and comprehensive high-frequency word list of its kind. It is based on 1,200 books currently being read at primary and secondary level. It updates and extends earlier lists such as Letters and Sounds, the Dolch List and the Fry Instant Word List.

Words for Phrase It® have been selected from this word list and put in meaningful phrases, with each word occurring at least twice in different contexts.


What set should I start with?

Starter Packs A and B are particularly useful for early years (4+ years), beginning readers, or older struggling readers. These packs break down the first 100 high-frequency words into two sets of 50 words each, and use a large font, simple 2-word and 3-word phrases, and lots of repetition in different phrases.

Packs 1 - 10 can be be used for any age. They break down the 1,000 most frequently occurring words into sets of 100 words, each with unique phrases.

  • Packs 1 - 5: approximate age band of 5 to 9+ years
  • Packs 6 - 10: approximate age band of 9 to 13+ years

However, because high-frequency words are relevant at every age, the early sets can be useful for older pupils. To foster confidence, consider beginning with earlier and easier word sets. Play the game many times with the same phrases to build automaticity. Once mastered, move on to the next set.

Phrases from previous sets can also be mixed in with later sets if more practice with specific words/phrases is needed. Game sets are colour-coded and numbered for easy sorting.

Important Note:

  • Players should be able to read the majority of words for the chosen set.

  • If specific words present a stumbling block (despite guidance during the game), work on these words individually using the usual well-known methods (eg phonetic decoding, word analysis, syllable division).

Simply remove these phrases from the game set and re-insert once the words are learnt.

Are there additional activities to do with Phrase it?


Phrase It: This is the main game.

Extra 3-Time Challenge: This involves an individual reading a set of phrase cards 3 times and trying to 'beat their own time'. Cards can be held, placed vertically in columns, or arranged across in long rows for 'silly sentence' reading.

Spell It: Phrase cards can also be turned over to practise and check high-frequency word spellings.

Collaborate It: Players can also work together to try to create the longest sentence they can using some of the phrase cards.

Sentence It: There is also an additional game involving sentence-building that can be played with 2-4 players. See section on How To Play.

And all with the same cards...

Is there a way to keep score?

Yes. There are two Score Pads available. Both are 25 pages (A5 size).

There is a Score Pad for the Game (called Scoreboard).

There is also a Score Pad for the 3-Time Challenge 'Beat Your Own Time'. This provides a visual progress sheet where adults and students can track progress.

Keeping score is motivating and adds to the sense of competition and fun!